Category Archives: Podcasting

Podcasting – Creating the feed

Every podcast needs an RSS feed that describes the podcast and its ‘enclosures’ (audio or video files). The feed is actually just a simple file in XML format, but this can be quite difficult to edit and set up and will require someone with specialist knowledge or a software tool to do this easily.

Thankfully, there is an easier way to create a feed.
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Podcasting – Source Data

Each service at Lansdowne, we record the following:

  • The audio of the message on cassette tape x 2 (for disaster recovery)
  • The message on CD via an audio CD recorder
  • The whole service video (and audio) on DVD via a DVD recorder
  • The whole service video (and audio) on Super VHS tape (for disaster recovery)

We used to rip the CD as the main audio source, and if you’re interested in producing just an audio podcast Continue reading