Category Archives: Webcasting

Video Streaming talk from CNMAC13

I was one of the break-out speakers at the Christian New Media Awards and Conference this year. Here are the slides and notes from my talk on “Video Streaming – What you need to know”.

2013-11-11 17_54_44-CNMAC13-DNHEYS.pdf - Adobe Reader

PDF slideshow

The notes on the digital equipment slide (#20) have a link to a really useful YouTube video of how to set up and use the BMD ATEM system.

You can now also listen to my talk as it was recorded and has been made publicly available. Thank you to all who came to my talk – you were a great encouragement.

Media room mash-up

Last Sunday, I was in the media room on webcast duty and decided to record Joe who was directing the live feed.

I have crudely mashed-up the media room footage (taken on my point-and-shoot) with the live output so you can get some idea of what goes on during the singing at Lansdowne Baptist Church.

Some day I hope we’ll have the time to present this a little more professionally! Until then, enjoy:

Webcasting Introduction

I am involved in webcasting the live services each weekend from my church: Lansdowne Baptist Church, Bournemouth, England.

The good news is that you can do most of this for free, assuming you have the necessary internet connection and hardware. There should be no ongoing costs.

We have a three camera setup, a feed from the data projection PC and live subtitling for song words and captions. Typically, each Sunday, there will be a team of six people involved.
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