When we were having our new kitchen designed we found very few places on the Internet where we could see an oak kitchen with dark worktop and a black sink. So I’ve decided Continue reading
Tag Archives: tips
Entanglement and an Infinite Universe
It is said that if the universe is infinite, then there must be an infinite number of universes; each one different from the other. If that’s true, then somewhere there’s a universe where earphones never become tangled when removed from your pocket.
It’s clearly not this universe! Continue reading
NextGEN Gallery Border
If you use the NextGEN plugin and want to have a border (or frame) around it, I have found that the following code seems to work well:
<div style=”border: 12px solid black; width: 600px; height: 450px;”>[ slideshow id=2 ]</div>
(Note: In the example above I have put an extra space after the opening and before the closing square brackets to stop NextGEN from actually showing the slideshow in this post)
To get this to work for me, I also have the Slideshow settings in NextGEN set to 600 x 450 and ‘Stretch Image’ set to False.