Holy Week?!

audio deskThis week has become one of the busiest so far this year in regard to audio requirements at church.

We have a wedding to support on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, so there’s a wedding band practice on Wednesday. They have unique requirements: four singers for the wedding songs (we have enough mic points for that) and the usual drums/keyboard/guitar/bass. However, they also need a duet – the opposite site of the stage on grand piano. The piano is easy to mic, but two mics from the band will have to be used (so some long leads needed). They’ll also need foldback – which is currently in short supply due to aging monitors and only half the AUX channels working.

Good Friday will be ‘normal’ church format so I’ll have to place back the kit temporarily for that.

Saturday will be the wedding for real – so moving the kit back into wedding configuration in time for the band to arrive and do some final sound checks and practice/warm up.

Then it’s all change again for Easter Sunday morning when we have a 16 piece children’s choir on centre stage – many of whom are a little shy of singing.

Did I mention that it’s my son’s 21st birthday on Saturday too? Oh, and the clocks go forward an hour on Sunday so we get one hour less in bed and some people will turn up to church late.

I hope that I’ll get a chance to reflect on the importance of this week in the Christian calendar and not have it get lost in all the crazy madness! I think I’ll be looking forward to a rest on Monday morning.